Rotation offset for lightweight shafts: Practice-oriented solution for exhaust systems in one and two-family houses

Rotation offset for lightweight shafts: Practice-oriented solution for exhaust systems in one and two-family houses

The rotary offset – PolyCase L A 30 lightweight shaft – Avoids indoor obstacles such as rafters, purlins and skylights. There is no need for complex reconstruction work such as changing. With this solution from ATEC, the exhaust duct can change direction by 90 degrees and at the same time be inclined by 30 degrees. The element is part of the PolyCase modular system.

In one- to two-family houses, rectangular exhaust ducts are often used to accommodate exhaust pipes. You will find space in the smallest of spaces. If the shaft encounters an obstacle in the roof area, the continuation without the new component was complicated. Because in the case of inclined guides, the inclination of the angles is given on the narrow side of the shaft due to the length expansion of the exhaust systems.

The new rotary offset offers a high degree of flexibility on the construction site. Among other things, an inclined guide over the wide side is now also possible. The problem solver was developed together with our customers. The rotary offset complements the lightweight PolyCase shaft system for L A -30 fire protection requirements. The product is available in the dimensions 100 x 150 mm, suitable for plastic exhaust systems in the nominal sizes DN 60 and DN 80.

Further notes and information can be found in our documentation:

Assembly instructions

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